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“By creating future leaders in the arts, sciences, and many other disciplines, the ACT-SO program is building upon the success of previous generations by empowering our youth to create a more just society.

-President Barack Obama

What is ACT-SO?
National Program

The NAACP's ACT-SO is a yearlong enrichment and achievement program designed to recruit, simulate, and encourage high academic and cultural achievement among African-American high school students. It was founded in 1978 by author and journalist Vernon Jarrett. Almost 300,000 young people have participated in the program since its inception.

ACT-SO is an acronym that stands for Afro Academic, Cultural, Technological, Scientific Olympics. It is the primary youth initiative of the (NAACP) National Association for the advancement of Colored People.

Claiborne Parish Program

We have had dozens of local participants who have competed in the STEM, humanities, business, and arts categories. Our program's chairperson is Sadie Flucas, a community advocate. 

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ACT-SO Impact
Parents Experience ACT-SO

"Before I won my four NAACP Image Awards and before I was nominated for an Emmy twice, I won a national medal at the NAACP ACT-SO Competition... ACT-SO helped build on the foundation that I stand on today. " -Anthony Anderson


Anthony Anderson

Former ACT-SO Participant

young people have participated in ACT-SO, as of 2022.

Past Participants

Get With The Program
  • August-October: Local programs, hosted by NAACP units, kick-off annual ACT-SO activities.
  • October-March: Local programs conduct mentoring and scholastic enrichment activities.

  • March-April: Local programs host ACT-SO competitions. Gold medalists (those with scores between 95-100 in their competition areas) are expected to compete on a national level.

  • April-July: Students continue their local mentorship and enrichment programs to prepare for the national competition.

  • July: Winners from the local competitions compete at the National Competition and Ceremonies, held every July in conjunction with the NAACP National Convention. 2024 National Competition will be held in Las Vegas, NV.

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  • Who is eligible to participate in ACT-SO?
    1) Be a citizen of the United States 2) Be enrolled in high school (grades 9 – 12) 3) Be an amateur in the category(ies) of competition (category dependent) 4) Attend one Orientation Session with parent 5) Complete required pre-work in advance of competition.
  • What are the benefits of participating in ACT-SO?
    Participate in workshops and other enrichment activities. Work with volunteer mentors to perfect performances and develop projects. Receive gifts and certificates at a special awards ceremony held in their honor. Receive periodic information on scholarships and opportunities from various sources. ​Make new friends and expand their network of peers who have positive aspirations. Local competition winners receive medals (and cash prizes as funds allow). Gold medal winners receive an expenses-paid trip (transportation and housing) to the national competition where they will compete with other local gold-medal winners for scholarships and technology prizes.
  • What are some other participation opportunities in ACT-SO?
    ACT-SO is a community-based program that provides multiple opportunities for involvement. Community members may participate as Chairpersons, mentors, sponsors, organizers, competitors, benefactors, educational partners, etc. The program receives support from schools, local businesses, community organizations, churches, foundations, major corporations, and individuals. For more detailed criteria and information about how to get involved, please contact the National ACT-SO office.
  • How do I register for the Claiborne ACT-SO chapter?
    Visit the "Get Involved" Tab to register as either a participant, volunteer, or judge.

Want to be part of the ACT-SO program? Apply to share your talents and become part of the experience.

ACT-SO Expanding the Minds of Our Youth
Our Mission​

The mission of the Claiborne Parish ACT-SO program is to nurture excellence and provide positive reinforcement to African American high school students.

We will partner with the community to raise cultural awareness, showcase talents, academic achievements and entrepreneurial skills, as well as develop leaders and provide life enrichment opportunities without regard to educational or economic status.


Claiborne Parish ACT-SO

Call us:


Find us: 

P.O. Box 1058, Homer, LA 71040

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